Uses of Interface

Packages that use ValueStack
com.opensymphony.xwork2 Main XWork interfaces and classes. 
com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor Interceptor classes. 
com.opensymphony.xwork2.mock XWork specific mock classes. 
com.opensymphony.xwork2.util XWork util classes. 
com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator XWork validation subsystem. 
com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.validators XWork default validator classes. 

Uses of ValueStack in com.opensymphony.xwork2

Fields in com.opensymphony.xwork2 declared as ValueStack
protected  ValueStack DefaultActionInvocation.stack

Methods in com.opensymphony.xwork2 that return ValueStack
 ValueStack DefaultActionInvocation.getStack()
 ValueStack ActionInvocation.getStack()
          Gets the ValueStack associated with this ActionInvocation.
 ValueStack ActionContext.getValueStack()
          Gets the OGNL value stack.

Methods in com.opensymphony.xwork2 with parameters of type ValueStack
 String TextProviderSupport.getText(String key, String defaultValue, List<Object> args, ValueStack stack)
          Gets a message based on a key using the supplied args, as defined in MessageFormat, or, if the message is not found, a supplied default value is returned.
 String TextProvider.getText(String key, String defaultValue, List<Object> args, ValueStack stack)
          Gets a message based on a key using the supplied args, as defined in MessageFormat, or, if the message is not found, a supplied default value is returned.
 String DefaultTextProvider.getText(String key, String defaultValue, List<Object> args, ValueStack stack)
 String CompositeTextProvider.getText(String key, String defaultValue, List<Object> args, ValueStack stack)
          It will consult each TextProviders and return the first valid message for this key, before returining defaultValue
 String ActionSupport.getText(String key, String defaultValue, List<Object> args, ValueStack stack)
 String TextProviderSupport.getText(String key, String defaultValue, String[] args, ValueStack stack)
          Gets a message based on a key using the supplied args, as defined in MessageFormat, or, if the message is not found, a supplied default value is returned.
 String TextProvider.getText(String key, String defaultValue, String[] args, ValueStack stack)
          Gets a message based on a key using the supplied args, as defined in MessageFormat, or, if the message is not found, a supplied default value is returned.
 String DefaultTextProvider.getText(String key, String defaultValue, String[] args, ValueStack stack)
 String CompositeTextProvider.getText(String key, String defaultValue, String[] args, ValueStack stack)
          It will consult each TextProviders and return the first valid message for this key, before returining defaultValue
 String ActionSupport.getText(String key, String defaultValue, String[] args, ValueStack stack)
 String ActionEventListener.handleException(Throwable t, ValueStack stack)
          Called when an exception is thrown by the action
 Object ActionEventListener.prepare(Object action, ValueStack stack)
          Called after an action has been created.
 void ActionContext.setValueStack(ValueStack stack)
          Sets the OGNL value stack.

Uses of ValueStack in com.opensymphony.xwork2.conversion.impl

Methods in com.opensymphony.xwork2.conversion.impl with parameters of type ValueStack
static String XWorkConverter.getConversionErrorMessage(String propertyName, ValueStack stack)

Uses of ValueStack in com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor

Methods in com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor with parameters of type ValueStack
protected  void ParametersInterceptor.setParameters(Object action, ValueStack stack, Map<String,Object> parameters)

Uses of ValueStack in com.opensymphony.xwork2.mock

Methods in com.opensymphony.xwork2.mock that return ValueStack
 ValueStack MockActionInvocation.getStack()

Methods in com.opensymphony.xwork2.mock with parameters of type ValueStack
 void MockActionInvocation.setStack(ValueStack stack)

Uses of ValueStack in com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl

Classes in com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl that implement ValueStack
 class OgnlValueStack
          Ognl implementation of a value stack that allows for dynamic Ognl expressions to be evaluated against it.

Methods in com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl that return ValueStack
 ValueStack OgnlValueStackFactory.createValueStack()
 ValueStack OgnlValueStackFactory.createValueStack(ValueStack stack)

Methods in com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl with parameters of type ValueStack
 ValueStack OgnlValueStackFactory.createValueStack(ValueStack stack)

Constructors in com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl with parameters of type ValueStack
OgnlValueStack(ValueStack vs, XWorkConverter xworkConverter, CompoundRootAccessor accessor, boolean allowStaticAccess)

Uses of ValueStack in com.opensymphony.xwork2.util

Methods in com.opensymphony.xwork2.util that return ValueStack
 ValueStack ValueStackFactory.createValueStack()
          Get a new instance of ValueStack
 ValueStack ValueStackFactory.createValueStack(ValueStack stack)
          Get a new instance of ValueStack

Methods in com.opensymphony.xwork2.util with parameters of type ValueStack
 ValueStack ValueStackFactory.createValueStack(ValueStack stack)
          Get a new instance of ValueStack
static String LocalizedTextUtil.findText(Class aClass, String aTextName, Locale locale, String defaultMessage, Object[] args, ValueStack valueStack)
          Finds a localized text message for the given key, aTextName.
static String LocalizedTextUtil.findText(ResourceBundle bundle, String aTextName, Locale locale, String defaultMessage, Object[] args, ValueStack valueStack)
          Finds a localized text message for the given key, aTextName, in the specified resource bundle.
static Object TextParseUtil.translateVariables(char[] openChars, String expression, ValueStack stack, Class asType, TextParseUtil.ParsedValueEvaluator evaluator)
          Converted object from variable translation.
static Object TextParseUtil.translateVariables(char[] openChars, String expression, ValueStack stack, Class asType, TextParseUtil.ParsedValueEvaluator evaluator, int maxLoopCount)
          Converted object from variable translation.
static String TextParseUtil.translateVariables(char open, String expression, ValueStack stack)
          Converts all instances of ${...} in expression to the value returned by a call to findValue(java.lang.String).
static Object TextParseUtil.translateVariables(char open, String expression, ValueStack stack, Class asType)
          Converted object from variable translation.
static Object TextParseUtil.translateVariables(char open, String expression, ValueStack stack, Class asType, TextParseUtil.ParsedValueEvaluator evaluator)
          Converted object from variable translation.
static Object TextParseUtil.translateVariables(char open, String expression, ValueStack stack, Class asType, TextParseUtil.ParsedValueEvaluator evaluator, int maxLoopCount)
          Converted object from variable translation.
static String TextParseUtil.translateVariables(String expression, ValueStack stack)
          Converts all instances of ${...}, and %{...} in expression to the value returned by a call to findValue(java.lang.String).
static String TextParseUtil.translateVariables(String expression, ValueStack stack, TextParseUtil.ParsedValueEvaluator evaluator)
          Function similarly as TextParseUtil.translateVariables(char, String, ValueStack) except for the introduction of an additional evaluator that allows the parsed value to be evaluated by the evaluator.

Uses of ValueStack in com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator

Methods in com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator with parameters of type ValueStack
 String DelegatingValidatorContext.getText(String key, String defaultValue, List<Object> args, ValueStack stack)
 String DelegatingValidatorContext.getText(String key, String defaultValue, String[] args, ValueStack stack)
 void Validator.setValueStack(ValueStack stack)
          Sets the value stack to use to resolve values and parameters

Uses of ValueStack in com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.validators

Methods in com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.validators with parameters of type ValueStack
 void ValidatorSupport.setValueStack(ValueStack stack)

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